Monthly Archives: February 2009

Sardonic Reflections on the News

I didn’t know that a bus was a standard measurement unit, but it seems like every reference to this story includes this comparison.  And why is it that every story seems to link that amazing find to climate change?  Could there not be an agenda in there somewhere?

Why all the emphasis on “President Obama? (note the 650,000+ news stories)”  Why not just call him king, call the inauguration a coronation, and rename the “White House” the “White Castle?” 

Just think of all the jobs created by designing, fabricating, and fitting an intricate crown made of various precious metals and gems!  Come to think of it, why stop at one when we could get royal headgear for the whole royal family!  There would be the quandry of whether to insert a “buy American” clause into such a crown.  After all, I’m not sure American goldsmithing is up to snuff.

Question: if President Obama is the king, who is the jester?

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Filed under climate, politics, role of government, Social Commentary